Thanks for buying the Change-Maker's Kit!
An email asking for your book preference and linking you to the newsletter is on its way.
In the meantime, I have a very special offer for you...
You've demonstrated that you appreciate the challenge and the opportunity that the Fusion Era represents for you, your work and your community.
That's amazing. We need more like you!
But I know first hand that being a Future-Ready Change Maker can be a lonely road.
Co-workers, bosses and community members often don't understand, and sometimes they see the future
as a threat.
You need more than insight and information.
You need a circle of fellow change-makers who can walk with you, problem - solve with you. People who understand your passion, your challenges and you mission.
This is why I created the Future Ready Change Maker Support System -
a master class get-together to build our skills and our strength.
The Support System is a monthly online convening that allows all of us to learn, and to learn from each other. Each Support System event includes
✔ Private round table conversation with a changemaker I think you should know
✔ Time for questions and answers about the conversation and any other issues you want to talk about,
✔Direct conversations with me and other change makers - no chat boxes and no moderators.
Just real conversations with impactful people you might never meet otherwise.
I designed the Support System to be the kind of community I wished I had -
people who get are striving for a vibrant future,
for themselves and for the communities and companies they care about.
If you are serious about making an impact,
And you are serious about helping the people and places you care about
thrive in the face of all the future's uncertainties,
Then you need the Change-maker's Support System.
You get full access to the Toolkit and the Support System
for only $19.99 per month, or $239.99 per year.
That's 25% off the regular price!
Use the code CHANGE25 at checkout.
Don't delay. The future isn't waiting for us.
And we're ready to be Future Ready
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